Got a problem downloading?

"Too many users viewed" or "Downloaded this file recently"

If you encounter those errors above while downloading the file, just follow these steps.

Step 1) See the uc inside the circled area?

Step 2) Change the uc part to "open".

Step 3) You will see this next image. Just click "Add to my drive" link to add the file to your google drive. Then go to your google drive by clicking "Go to my drive".

Step 4) In your drive, click the file you just added. Right click on it, then click "Make a copy". You will now have 2 copies of that file. Delete the original.

Step 5) You can now download the file by right clicking the copied file again, then click "Download". 

NOTE: Just in case after you did all of those steps and google drive says you still can't download it or the file can't be copied or the "action failed" appear while doing Step #4, just comeback at night to download the file/s you needed.